Tanning in MN is possible even for busy bees, thanks to tanning salons. You can relax in a tanning bed or stand in a tanning booth for under ten minutes, remove… and bronze! If you’re new to indoor tanning, you may have many questions about how it works. One of the biggest questions is一how long should you tan for?
When you’re showing a lot of skin, odds are you’d like to have a little glow! Tan skin is the perfect complement to a cute summer ensemble, but not everyone has the time to get a good tan outdoors. Tanning outside requires you to lay out at the perfect times on days with adequate sun exposure, which isn’t always possible for people who spend their weekdays at work or fulfilling other obligations. Tanning salons are convenient alternatives to this.
Before you visit the nearest tanning salon in MN, check out this breakdown of everything you need to know about tanning time.
How Long Should You Tan For?
When you decide to start visiting a tanning salon to build a nice tan, you’ll likely wonder how long it’s going to take to see a good tan. This depends on several factors, including your natural skin type and how frequently you will visit the tanning salon.
Know Your Skin Type
Answering “how long should you tan for?” is more complicated than it seems. We must factor in a few different elements, such as your natural skin type. There are five main skin types, all of which respond differently to tanning. Knowing which skin type you have will help determine how long you can be in a tanning bed without burning. It will also set the pace at which you can increase your tanning time to deepen your bronze. Check out the five skin types below:
Skin Type 1
Type 1 skin is very, very pale white skin. People with this skin type often have freckles, light blonde or red hair, and blue or green eyes. Their skin does not tan easily at all and burns very quickly with UV exposure. Tanning Type 1 skin should be done very gradually and with extreme caution.
Skin Type 2
Type 2 skin is pale to light beige skin. People with this skin type may have freckles, light brown or blonde hair, and blue or green eyes. Their skin will tan very gradually, and they can burn quickly with UV exposure. Tan Type 2 skin carefully.
Skin Type 3
Type 3 skin is light brown skin. People with this skin type likely have brown hair and brown eyes. Their skin tans easily, but they can still burn with excessive UV exposure.
Skin Type 4
Type 4 skin is olive or light brown skin. People with this skin type have dark brown hair and brown eyes. Their skin tans very quickly, and they do not burn often. However, it may happen with extreme UV exposure.
Skin Type 5
Type 5 skin is medium to dark brown skin. People with this skin type have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Their skin tans very easily, and it is highly unlikely for them to experience burns from UV exposure.
Skin Type Chart: How Long Should You Tan For?
Once you’ve determined your skin type, you can proceed with the tanning process. For any skin type, you want to begin with the shortest amount of time your skin can handle without burning and then gradually work your way up to longer sessions. This timetable varies significantly between the skin types.
Type 1
Since people with Type 1 skin burn very easily, starting at the most minimal tanning time is crucial. This can be anywhere from one to three minutes per session. You should repeat this session time for several weeks until you build a light base tan.
You can then begin increasing tanning time by one-minute increments per week. Do not increase the time if any signs of skin irritation occur. If your skin begins to feel hot or irritated, end the session immediately and wait several days before the next tanning session.
After four weeks of tanning, someone with Type 1 skin should be able to withstand about five to eight minutes maximum in a bed or booth. Exceeding this time for Type 1 skin is not recommended.
Type 2
People with Type 2 skin have a little more flexibility when they begin tanning. If you have this skin type, you can start with two- to four-minute tanning sessions. Repeat these times for about two weeks until you develop a base tan.
Once you have a base tan, you can increase your tanning time by one minute each session. After four weeks of tanning, someone with Type 2 skin should be able to tan for about 10 to 12 minutes without burning. Exceeding this time for Type 2 skin can result in burns and is not recommended.
Type 3
Since Type 3 skin types will tan quickly, they can begin with longer tanning times than what we recommended for Type 1 and Type 2. Starting at four to eight minutes per session is ideal for the first two weeks. This skin type will already have a base tan, so adding one-minute increments as long as you are comfortable and do not show any signs of burning or irritation is safe.
By the fourth week, people with Type 3 skin can typically tan for 12 to 15 minutes in a bed or booth without burning. Don’t forget, you can still burn if you have this skin type, so you should avoid overexposure.
Type 4
If you have Type 4 skin, you can begin tanning at about four to nine minutes. Your tan will quickly develop, so you won’t have to increase your increments rapidly or go for sessions as often as other skin types. Ultimately, Type 4 skin can withstand up to 20 minutes in a bed or booth, but it is not necessary to maintain a great tan.
Since people with Type 4 skin tan much quicker and do not need as many sessions, we recommend a tanning lotion or tan accelerator to maintain the deepest color for as long as possible.
Type 5
People with Type 5 skin will tan rapidly, even with short tanning sessions. If this is your skin type, you can begin anywhere between four and ten minutes. Increasing your sessions by one to two-minute intervals is optional if you want to achieve the deepest color. Type 5 skin can withstand up to 20 minutes maximum in a bed or booth without burning. Anything more will result in UV damage.
If you have Type 5 skin, tanning with a lotion or accelerator will help you maintain the deepest tan.
What About Different Levels of Tanning Beds?
It’s worth noting that many tanning salons have different levels of tanning beds. These beds provide UVA and UVB rays at varying intensities. You can work with your tanning professional to determine which level is ideal for your skin type and how that will alter the tanning time your skin can handle.
Tanning in MN with $5 Tan
If you’re looking for a great tanning salon in MN, we’ve got you covered here at $5 Tan! We offer various sunless tanning options, including beds, booths, and a wide array of tanning lotions and accelerators.
Our tanning experts can help determine your perfect tanning time and which products will help you achieve the deepest golden glow. Call us today to find out more!